sticky notes
sticky notes

2024年2月16日—TolaunchthenewStickyNotesapp,opentheOneNoteapponWindowsandselecttheStickyNotesbutton.NOTE:AfterlaunchingthenewSticky ...,WithStickyNotes,youcancreatenotes,type,inkoraddapicture,addtextformatting,stickthemtothedesktop,movethemaroundt...

Introducing the new Sticky Notes app for Windows

2024年2月16日—TolaunchthenewStickyNotesapp,opentheOneNoteapponWindowsandselecttheStickyNotesbutton.NOTE:AfterlaunchingthenewSticky ...

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Introducing the new Sticky Notes app for Windows

2024年2月16日 — To launch the new Sticky Notes app, open the OneNote app on Windows and select the Sticky Notes button. NOTE: After launching the new Sticky ...

Microsoft Sticky Notes

With Sticky Notes, you can create notes, type, ink or add a picture, add text formatting, stick them to the desktop, move them around there freely, close them ...

Simple Sticky Notes

2013年2月18日 — Simple Sticky Notes - Free Sticky Notes Software - Download Sticky Notes - Sticky Notes Free Download - Create Sticky Notes to Your Desktop.

Sticky Notes

2021年11月22日 — The first, truly sticky app for notes on your desktop! It is easy to manage and customize. Now also supports speech recognition!

Sticky Notes !

Designed to take notes and navigate with minimum clicks and taps, Sticky Notes beats every other note taking app in ease of use and speed. Multiple fonts and ...

Sticky Notes by Symcoding

Simple note taking app, colorful designs and themes, supports text and drawing.


在其他裝置和網頁上查看自黏便箋. Sticky Notes More...Less. 您的自黏便箋並不只存在於同一個地方。 您可以隨身攜帶自黏便箋,以便跨應用程式和您最愛的裝置擷取、尋找 ...


com/stickynotes。 在Android設備上,Microsoft Launcher可以顯示與OneNote應用程式本地實例同步的便箋。 參考文獻 編輯. ^ Sticky Notes.


2024年2月16日—TolaunchthenewStickyNotesapp,opentheOneNoteapponWindowsandselecttheStickyNotesbutton.NOTE:AfterlaunchingthenewSticky ...,WithStickyNotes,youcancreatenotes,type,inkoraddapicture,addtextformatting,stickthemtothedesktop,movethemaroundtherefreely,closethem ...,2013年2月18日—SimpleStickyNotes-FreeStickyNotesSoftware-DownloadStickyNotes-StickyNotesFreeDownload-CreateStickyNotestoYourDe...

很難比 Nute 更簡單!輕量化線上記事本

很難比 Nute 更簡單!輕量化線上記事本
